⭐️ A 30-min deep dive session with a Flower of Life Press coach to strategize your story.
⭐️ 6 group LIVE workshops on writing, marketing, monetizing your book, growing your brand.
⭐️ Editing and design.
⭐️ Bestseller launch campaign.
⭐️ Marketing - email swipe copy, social media posts and promotional graphics for marketing the book - plus instructions on how to do it!
⭐️ A private FB group author portal and chalice of sisterhood for ongoing support.
⭐️ You retain the rights to your chapter.
⭐️ You can purchase books at the wholesale market price (approx $8-10 each) and sell them from your website or at events for retail price (approx. $22), earning a profit.
⭐️ Strategy for creating your free offer at the end of your chapter, in order to grow your base of followers.
⭐️ Your Name listed in the table of contents and as an author on the Amazon kindle book page.